Online & Flexible Learning

Online Learning is the smart choice to mix with traditional classes and provides the opportunity to fit learning into your busy life while keeping you on the high road to success. Triton College also offers a variety of flexible learning options, designed to fit student's busy schedules and learning needs.

Online Courses

Triton College offers many different courses in an online environment. Taking an online course is very different than taking a traditional classroom course. To be successful in an online course, students should be:

  • Comfortable using technology
  • Understand how to navigate Web sites
  • Have regular access to a computer
  • Able to communicate well in writing
  • Self-motivated and self-disciplined
  • Able to commit from 6 to 10 hours per week per course
  • Willing to participate in online classroom discussions

The Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC) supports the college curriculum and encourages effective learning by distributing and processing material in a variety of formats, including video, audio, program specific DVD and computer assisted programs, to support all distance learning education. The ETRC is Triton's primary computer lab, with current technology and software. Please visit the Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC) website for assistance in obtaining material or services.

Questions? Contact the Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC) @ (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3215.


Blackboard is the course-management system that Triton College uses for online, hybrid, and enhanced teaching and learning. Blackboard enables instructors to provide students access to course materials, communication tools, online assessments, and grades, as well as the ability to submit assignments electronically. Blackboard can be accessed anywhere, anytime you have an Internet connection.

Link to Blackboard to access your course(s) in Blackboard.

 Blackboard FAQs

Why am I unable to log into Blackboard?

What is my Blackboard user name and password?

I have enrolled in a course but the course link is not listed in My Blackboard. When will the link be available?

My course link is listed in My Blackboard but after clicking, I receive the message, "This section is not available yet".

I enrolled after the course started. When will I see my course link in Blackboard?

How long are my Blackboard course(s) available to me?

During the browser check, why did I receive a message that my browser is either non–validated or unsupported?

I have more questions, where is help available?

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Triton College offers a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our courses include expert instructors, many of who are nationally known authors. Online courses are affordable, convenient, and geared just for you.

Instructor-led sessions begin every month. On average, students complete each session in two hours or less for a total of 20-24 hours of instruction time. Self-paced tutorials allow you to set the schedule and create the plan for learning anytime, anywhere. Certificates of completion are provided by ED2GO. Explore the ED2GO catalog to view course selections.

Triton College, in partnership with ED2GO, also offers online open enrollment programs designed to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional level positions for many in-demand occupations. Explore ED2GO career training programs to see offerings.

Contact the School of Continuing Education:  If you have course or registration questions or need additional assistance call (708) 456-0300 Ext: 3500 or email

NOTE: Course prices listed do not include Triton College fees which, if applicable, may be added at time of payment.

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Online Resources

Triton Online HELP Center
Use the Online HELP Form to email us your questions about starting your online course.

The Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC) supports the college curriculum and encourages effective learning by distributing and processing material in a variety of formats, audio, and computer assisted programs, to support all distance learning education. The ETRC is Triton's primary computer lab, with current technology and software. Please visit the Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC) website for assistance in obtaining material or services.

Triton Library
Triton’s Library provides numerous online support services, including access to various information databases and online interlibrary loan capabilities with more than 60 other Illinois academic libraries. For additional information, please contact a reference librarian at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3698 or Access Library Portal.

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Out of State Students

Triton College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), such arrangement authorizes the State of Illinois to take part in a system of interstate reciprocity that establishes national standards on distance education. Out-of-state students interested in enrolling in any of Triton College’s online programs must reside in states that are part of the SARA agreement.

Complaint Process
In compliance with the Board of Higher Education, The Education Distance Learning Act and the Federal Department of Education regulation, institutions offering distance education must provide enrolled and prospective out-of-state students with contact information for filing complaints with its accrediting agency and with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints within their state.

In order to resolve concerns related to a complaint, out-of-state students enrolled in online classes at Triton College should follow the Complaint Procedures listed in Triton College’s Student Handbook. Online students have the same rights and responsibilities as those students enrolled in on-campus courses. To resolve academic complaints, students should try to exhaust all possible internal avenues before filing a complaint with the state in which they reside. Each academic department is responsible for overseeing student complaints and can be reached as follows: Department Chairperson & Program Coordinators Contact List.

If after following the college procedure the issue cannot be resolved internally and the student seeks additional resolution, students can refer to the Out-of-State Student Grievance Contact Information for the appropriate state agency or accrediting body and may contact the Illinois Community College Board.

Students who have concerns involving harassment or discrimination should see specific procedures listed in the Triton College Board Policy Manual and the Student Handbook.

Refund Policy
A student who registers, fails to attend class and fails to officially withdraw from the class, is still responsible for all tuition and fees. A student who receives grades for a class, but does not pay, will be subjected to collection fees when the unpaid balance is turned over to a collection agency.

A student who officially withdraws from any class may be refunded a percentage of the course tuition, depending on when withdrawal is made. The registration, late registration, proficiency test and special examination fees are not refundable. The auxiliary and student service fees are refundable only when official withdrawal occurs before the start of the semester.

A student is entitled to a 100 percent refund when official withdrawal is made no later than the first 5.5 percent of the class calendar days. A 50 percent refund will be granted within the first 5.6-8 percent of the class calendar days. Withdrawals after the 100 percent refund period will result in a grade of "W".

Students should refer to their current class schedule in the MyTriton portal for specific withdrawal dates for each term.

All requests for exceptions to this policy must be made in writing on a General Petition form and submitted to the Welcome Center in the Student Center within one calendar year of the start date of the semester in dispute.

Subject to revision by the Triton College Board of trustees without prior notice.

Tuition Refunds/Credit Vouchers for Students Called to Active Military Service
Any active student who is required to withdraw from classes during his/her regular semester or summer term due to active military obligations will be entitled to a full refund of tuition or credit voucher (unless paid by a state/federal agency) upon evidence and notification to the college within the semester or term of withdrawal.

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Flexible Learning Options

Weekend Courses

Internet Courses

Accelerated Workforce Programs

Fast Track
